It’s okay to ask for help
In a world full of "self-made” people (a term I disagree with, by the way), being vulnerable and seeking helping hands has been made to seem like a weakness. I mean, we believe that we need people at various points in our lives, so it baffles me that we also somehow attribute asking for help to not being strong.
The “self-made” entrepreneur seems to have forgotten the tutors/coaches/mentors (physical or online). The “self-made” stylist no longer remembers the Google searches on subject matters that they didn’t quite understand.
Perhaps we feel that admitting we need (or needed) help at one point or the other "dilutes" the success story and all the hard work that we've put in.
Of course there is the place of burning the midnight candle, the many sacrifices that were made... and you deserve all your flowers, for real. But do not let all that make you forget the role that your various experiences (good or bad) and interactions with people have played in the grand scheme of things.
So when next you’re at a crossroad or you hit a bit of a snag, remember that it’s okay to ask for help. Yes, you can decide to figure it out on your own (and you probably would, or not). But would you rather spend days, weeks, or months even, trying to figure it out on your own when you could gain clarity in hours... just by reaching out to someone. The choice is yours.
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