The Wonder: Get to know me

Mary Ajifola
2 min readApr 2, 2023


My name is Mary Ajifola, and I am a woman of many things.

Yeah, that's me.

Happy new month by the way. I hope you had a great first quarter, and are ready to do even more amazing stuff in the months to come.

I’ve been thinking of the best way to make an introduction, but is there really a best way? So here I am, choosing to let the words flow on their own accord.

Like I said, I am of many things, the first and most important being a believer. I love God. He is so amazing and I can’t imagine life without him.

When I’m not writing, I make women look great with beautiful and painless hairstyling, wig making (and more to come) services. When you look great, you feel great and confident about yourself, and that’s what my brand is about. You can see more about that here

I styled my hair for my birthday shoot. This beautiful picture was taken by Teedhope 📸

I do a bit of graphic designing (mobile for now), I’m also a tailor in training. Basically, I love to create.

Writing has always been one of my favourite and longest-standing talents. I honestly cannot remember which I discovered or fell in love with first; writing or hair styling. Being able to string words together into something meaningful has always been fascinating and liberating for me. It is literally an avenue for my mind to travel beyond borders and create anything! That's amazing!

Now, I don't know what niche(s) I want to focus on at the moment, but I just want to write, freely and completely. So don't be surprised when you see me write on a variety of topics until I find the one (or ones, because why not?!)

If you would like to go with me on this journey of self-discovery, do well to hit the follow button and long-press the clap icon to give this post 50 claps.

If you can relate to this phase of discovery that I am or you have any pointers that have helped you, please drop your comments. I’d love to read them.

Before I forget (don't look at me like that. Many months of strike actions over the years can do that to the best of us), I am also an undergraduate student of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management.

Don't worry, you'd be unravelling many layers of me in the days to come.

Until next time, stay jiggy.



Mary Ajifola

I'm a creative on the path of discovery. Writing is one of my superpowers.